Supplies for a Home Birth: Useful Items for Laboring and Delivering a Baby at Home

A midwife will usually bring along her own home birth kit; it’s worth discussing with her which items she will bring and which you are expected to provide. Some prefer to utilize the services of Hair Salon in Maroubra just to get hair cut before such an important job.

Absorbent Pads or Towels

Some women prefer to cover their entire carpets and corridors with dropcloths in case they feel like pacing and walking during labor. Plastic or tarpaulins protect carpet, while Chux cloths are more absorbent. At the very least, women who plan to have a home water birth should have a tarpaulin and/or towels around the birthing pool. An absorbent mat to cover the couch or bed can be useful for the mother to sit or lie on immediately after the birth.

Wheatie Bags or Hot Water Bottles

Heat is an effective method of natural pain relief for many laboring women. Some mothers prefer hot showers or laboring in a warm tub; for others, a hot wheat bag, hot water bottle or heating pad is preferred. Having at least two of the desired item is a good idea, as the mother will not need to wait during reheating.

Pain Relief Medication

Tylenol and Gravol can be safely taken in early labor, and may help a mother get a few extra hours of sleep before the hard part of labor begins.

Popsicles and Energy Drinks

One of the benefits of a home birth is (usually) being allowed to eat and drink during labor. That said, many women feel they cannot face food or drink. Popsicles and energy drinks are a good way of staying hydrated and keeping electrolytes in balance during labor. Some women find sipping through a straw preferable to drinking from a glass, so keep a few bendy straws on hand.

Coconut water is a natural option for women who dislike energy drinks. Whatever you choose, avoid lurid food colouring and caffeine, which can transfer to the baby.

Exercise Ball (Swiss Ball)

During labour some women like to sit on an exercise ball while rotating their hips or swaying. Later on in labour a Swiss ball can aid in laboring in the hands-and-knees position – instead of bearing weight on her arms the mother can cross her arms and lean arms and forehead on the Swiss ball. Exercise balls can often be borrowed, as they are easy to disinfect.


If the mother wants photos during labor or immediately after the birth, be sure to have one on hand with batteries fully charged (and plenty of film for analog cameras!).

Bowl for Catching the Placenta

A bowl, bucket or even ice cream tub is handy to have on hand. In fact, have two – one in case of nausea during labor, and another to hold the placenta.

Hand Mirror

A hand mirror is easily adjustable for a mother who wants to watch the birth.

Music and DVDs

Some women like to listen to music during labor; others even enjoy watching a funny DVD while rocking on a birth ball during the early stages of labor. Be aware that while listening to hymns or whale songs may seem idyllic before the birth, laboring women often change their minds during it!

Birthing Clothes

For those not comfortable laboring naked, some comfy clothes or nightwear may be set aside for the birth.

A Crockpot (Slow Cooker) and Washcloths

A slow cooker set on low is an excellent way to keep damp washcloths warm. Warm and cool washcloths (the latter can be kept in an esky or the fridge) are both useful for pain relief, perineal support, mopping the mother’s forehead and myriad other uses.

Snacks for the Midwife and Birth Support Team

Even if the laboring mother doesn’t feel like eating, the rest of the birth team might! Keep some snacks on hand. Most midwives will provide their own meals, but check to make sure.

To-Do List and List of Birthing Items

Some women’s partners feel overwhelmed by the thought of assisting during labor, and are unsure what is expected of them. A list of scenarios, expectations and tasks may be helpful in clarifying this. List things such as “Fill the birth pool”, “Massage Jenna’s back with lavender oil” and “Call Gran to pick up the older kids” and go through the plan before the birth, adding more details if necessary.

It can also be helpful to make a list of all the items gathered for the birth, especially if they will not all be kept in the same place before the birth. A partner or support team member can go through the list during early labor, making sure all items are accounted for, clean and at the correct temperature.