Aqueous coated

Exploring the World of Aqueous Coated Finishes in Packaging Design

Packaging design plays a crucial role in catching the eyes of consumers and influencing purchasing decisions. When it comes to packaging, not only does the visual appeal matter, but the durability of the materials used is equally important. One aspect of wrapping design that often goes unnoticed, but has a significant impact, is the choice of coating. Among various coating options available, aqueous coated finishes have gained popularity for their diverse benefits.

What are aqueous-coated finishes?

Aqueous coatings are water-based coatings that are applied to packaging materials to enhance their appearance and protect them from damage. Unlike traditional varnishes or oil-based coatings, these coatings are more environmentally friendly and produce less harmful emissions during the application process. They are available in various formulations, including gloss, matte, and satin finishes, allowing designers to achieve the desired look and feel for their packaging.

Enhancing Durability and Protection

The coating forms a protective layer on the surface, preventing water or other liquids from seeping into the packaging. This is particularly important for products that need to withstand transportation or storage in humid conditions. Furthermore, the coating acts as a shield against scratches and abrasion, ensuring that the packaging remains intact and visually appealing throughout its lifecycle.

Achieving Visual Appeal

The visual impact of packaging is crucial in capturing the attention of consumers. Aqueous coatings offer a range of finishes that can enhance the appearance of packaging. Gloss finishes provide a shiny, reflective surface that adds a touch of sophistication and elegance. On the other hand, matte finishes offer a subtle, velvety texture that exudes a sense of luxury and minimalism. With these options, designers can create packaging that aligns with the brand identity and product positioning.

Eco-Friendly Solution

In an era of increasing environmental consciousness, businesses need to adopt sustainable practices. They contain fewer volatile organic compounds compared to traditional coatings, making them less harmful to both human health and the environment. Additionally, they are water-based, reducing the need for solvents and minimizing waste during the application process.


In the world of packaging design, every detail matters. Aqueous coated finishes offer numerous benefits, ranging from enhanced durability and protection to visual appeal and sustainability. With their wide range of finishes, these coatings empower designers to create packaging that not only catches the eyes of consumers but also withstands the rigours of transportation and storage. By embracing this innovative solution, companies can elevate their brand image while contributing to a greener future.