hairdresser north shore

Tips for Styling Your Hair Quickly: Advice From a Professional Hairdresser on the North Shore. Keep reading to learn a few hair care secrets.

We have all experienced those mornings when you wake up late and are trying to look presentable before heading out to work or meeting up with friends. Styling your hair can be extremely time-consuming- especially if you have unruly hair that doesn’t like to comply.

As professional hairdressers on the North Shore, we have come to learn some tips and tricks about quick and easy styling when you’re in a rush to get somewhere!

Brush Your Hair The Night Before

When it comes to quick and easy styling, it all comes down to preparation. Going to bed with brushed and clean hair can save you valuable minutes the next morning. While you’ll still probably need to run a brush through your hair, you won’t need to brush out any major tangles.

Sleep With Your Hair In A Plait

Do you have long hair? To avoid it becoming knotted and tangled while you sleep, try to make an effort to plait it and sleep with it in a plait so that you wake up to hair that’s easier to control, with the added benefit of some lovely natural waves.

Practice Hairstyles

We told you that preparation is key! When you have some time on your hands, practice some hairstyles you have had in mind and try them out. Find out what suits your face best and what tools and products you need for each hairstyle.

hairdresser north shore

Don’t Try Anything New

Trying a new hairstyle while you’re rushing to get ready could definitely result in you being late. Stick to something simple, tried and tested.

Have Products That You Know Work Well With Your Hair

Having the right hair products that work well with your hair can be a lifesaver. Everyone should have at least a good detangler, hair oil, dry shampoo, and hair spray on hand to help their hair maintain the hairstyle that they have envisioned for the day.

Are you looking for an experienced and professional hairdresser on the North Shore? Why not book an appointment with one of the experts at Envy Room in Gordon. Whatever your hair dreams and desires may be, we can help you reach them!

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