microblading in Sydney

Procedures and steps of eyebrow Microblading”

If you’re looking for microblading in Sydney then you have come to the right place. We provide one of the best procedures of eyebrow microblading in Sydney and that is performed with care and delicacy. If you are wondering what microblading is then we will explain it to you here.

It is a procedure not so much complex in its nature which is used to improve the definition of the eyebrows. It is also used to cover the gaps or spaces caused by the loss of hair from the eyebrows and is used for a reconstruction which can be full length depending on the condition of eyebrows whether they have little or no hair. Each stroke of microblading of eyebrows is done individually giving access to the therapist to control shape, color and size of the reconstructed eyebrows.

Microblading is performed by the help of pigments which are deposited on the upper portion of dermis by using a hand tool having needles that are fused together in a curve shaped group. In addition to this the procedure also requires machine and a needle sterilized along with a cartridge. The procedure requires drawing that is done individually on each of the eyebrows, crisp hair stroke that add more to it and looks more natural. The diameters of the needles being used can be changed according to the width of eyebrow of the client. This adjustment is done in order to make the procedure resulting into a more natural look of the eyebrows. Local anesthesia is applied in this procedure to minimize the discomfort caused by the needles like any other cosmetic tattooing.

After the procedure is done eyebrows will appear to be more darker than what was expected before the treatment but that’s not a thing to worry about as it will fade up to 50% by the time of 4 weeks. The treatment done is basically divided into two steps. The one is the consultation and appointment before the procedure while the second is the appointment made after 4 to 6 months. This ensures the longevity of the colors being used. The second time also ensures about how the pigments are healing. Although the procedure done is not permanent if done properly requires a touch up procedure done after every two years and that too depends on the condition of skin and also how well can it handle the pigments.

If you are in need for this procedure to be done feel free to contact us we’re present to serve.